Is it fame you want?

I watched the Rodman 30 for 30 documentary a little bit ago and I gotta say – it’s probably in the top three 30 for 30’s I’ve seen yet. 

There’s so much to it and I highly recommend checking it out (especially during this whole coronavirus fiasco and having down time)

But I’m not going to sit here and write a recap. 1. I don’t feel like it and 2. It’s truly worth seeing and 3. I wouldn’t do it justice. But there was something at the end I just wanted to share with you guys in case you don’t watch the documentary.

So essentially the doc (I hate saying doc instead of documentary but damnit it’s so much easier to say) is about Dennis Rodman and his life. And we all know the cliche that ‘life is a journey’. Well, Rodman’s journey included:

-Struggles/successes in his personal life/relationships
-Becoming a basketball Hall of Famer
-Becoming really famous/a global icon

So just like Rodman, all of us have our own journeys in life.  And in these journey(s), we’re always searching for something and that ‘something’ typically refers to a goal/an end/a final destination- whatever it may be… you get the drift right?

And at the very end of the doc, Rodman reflects on if he’s found what he’s been looking for in his journey. Here’s what he said.

“I’m one of the top 10 people on the planet that people recognize. Should be happy right?


Funny huh?

Weird shit huh?”

These comments represent a truth that’s been passed down for who knows how long.

Nothing will ever satisfy you. No matter what your searching for. It’s never about the destination- it’s really about the journey. What you’re trying to find is already there. Enjoy it.



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